After School Kicks Summer Camp
When school is closed for the year, you want and NEED a great reliable place that will watch out over your Kindergarten to Incoming 5th grade children for summer camp. It is essential to you as a parent that your youth have a fun, safe, and positive environment while developing appropriate social skills, and learning good values. At After School Kicks, we have a zero policy for bullying with trained and compassionate staff to make each child feel comfortable fitting in and enjoying themselves while away from home.
In our 10,000 square foot facility, children get to be children. They can play, run, meet and hang out with friends, have new experiences in Tampa Bay, and play games which include an indoor soccer field, wall of computers to play video games, basketball hoop, reading room, snack room, games, blocks, and a bounce house.
We are fortunate to have families return each summer during their child's Kindergarten to Incoming 5th grade children, and then we see their younger brother or sister attend as well. It warms our hearts and speaks volumes about how much our parents love this place for their children year-after-year!
Summer Camp Fills Up Quickly
We highly recommend that you sign up now to ensure a spot for your child because our popular camp fills up quickly.
Where Do I Sign Up?
Just fill out the registration form and return it with your non-refundable registration fee and either full payment or your first installment.
After School Kicks has a zero tolerance policy on bullying.